A Major New Website!
The Chaim and Dorothy Koppelman Foundation, established to exhibit and preserve the works of these two major 20th-century American artists, has launched a new website, containing works by printmaker Chaim Koppelman (1920-2009) and painter and founding director of the Terrain Gallery, Dorothy Koppelman (1920-2017). It presents, too, some of their powerful, profoundly thrilling writings on art, arising from their study of the philosophy Aesthetic Realism with the great American poet and critic Eli Siegel. read more
Terrain Gallery Records Online
at Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art: “Files document over one hundred and forty exhibitions as well as the gallery’s relationship with artists…. The Terrain has featured paintings, sculptures, watercolors, and graphics, as well as photographic exhibitions, which have shown the work of both younger and established artists…. Every exhibition has included comment by artists and critics about how opposites are one in the technique and form of the works of art on view.” read more
Dorothy Koppelman: A Life of Art and Ethics
By Carrie Wilson & Dale Laurin, Journal of the Print World. “Her work is at once vigorous and tender. There are the water towers she loved for their humility and pride; powerful, almost abstract paintings of the wrecked fuselage of a plane; vivid domestic still lifes; and paintings of the human figure that boldly reveal intense, usually hidden feelings, such as Conscience on Guard.…’In this courageous work of 1986, Dorothy Koppelman gives dramatic form to the fight in every person—between being awake to what’s around us, or getting our importance by just wanting to be oblivious to everything.'” read more
“A River Boat Captain’s View—
From the Lower East Side to Lambertville”:
The Photographs of Allan Michael
Former Captain on NY’s Circle Line, at the Caffe Galleria in Lambertville, NJ, through Nov. 10.

“Allan Michael’s life and art were both profoundly affected by this principle of Aesthetic Realism, stated by its founder Eli Siegel: ‘The world, art, and self explain each other: each is the aesthetic oneness of opposites’…. Michael’s work has been exhibited at the Terrain Gallery, NYC; the Firehouse Gallery, and the Craven Gallery’s “Emerging African-American Artists” in Martha’s Vineyard….His work was part of the traveling art exhibition visiting progressive colleges and universities, entitled, ‘Art Against Apartheid’….Michael continues his study of art and photography in the monthly Critical Inquiry Workshop taught by painter and art critic, Dorothy Koppelman…” —

Harvey Spears Wins Bruce Crane Memorial Award at Salmagundi Club
Photographer & Aesthetic Realism Associate Harvey Spears spoke to an audience of about 300 artists and others about how the principles of Aesthetic Realism have been central in his work, as he received the award for his photo “Humility & Pride.”
Dan McClung Exhibits at Benson’s NYC
Jul. 8 — Aug. 4 Seventeen images of New York City. “In reality opposites are one; art shows this. –Eli Siegel. This principle of Aesthetic Realism is the basis of my work….As I photograph in and around the city; as I frame a subject in the viewfinder, deciding what to omit and what to include, how close to get, or what angle may be best, I am consciously aware of the opposites—how light and shadow reveal emotion in a face, how closeness and distance are in a landscape…” —from photographer’s statement at Benson’s NYC, 181 Essex Street below Houston.

Napoleon Accompanied: The Art of Chaim Koppelman
June 12—Sept 21st the Brooklyn Central Library exhibited in its foyer many works by the noted Brooklyn-born artist Chaim Koppelman (1920-2009). And on September 17, “Napoleon Accompanied: The Art of Chaim Koppelman,” was presented ….a video of one of his talks, a critical appreciation by art educator Marcia Rackow, & discussion with Dorothy Koppelman, Carrie Wilson, Dale Laurin, Terrain Gallery coordinators.
16th Annual Online International Art Exhibition, Upstream People Gallery
shows an oil pastel & watercolor by David M. Bernstein, Aesthetic Realism Associate, a noted photographer who’s exhibited & given talks at the Terrain Gallery.
The Potential for American Art and Culture
in Transcending Cultural Barriers
Photographer and Aesthetic Realism Associate Len Bernstein gave a keynote speech at the 2014 UN Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy. Below are some of the photographs he discussed:

Talks at Athens Institute for Education and Research
Annual Conference on Architecture, Athens, Greece, June 2013: “Le Corbusier & the Debate in People between Coolness & Warmth” by Dale Laurin, R.A., Aesthetic Realism Consultant & “Jane Jacobs–The Fight in Every Person between Knowing & Managing” by City Planner Barbara Buehler, Aesthetic Realism Associate.
Napoleon Entering New York: Chaim Koppelman & the Emperor
Exhibition at the Museo Napoleonico, Roma, Oct. 13, 2011 – May 6, 2012. Prints, pastels, paintings, drawings. Chaim Koppelman (1920 – 2009) was a member of the National Academy of Fine Arts, president of the Society of American Graphic Artists,..founded the Printmaking Division at the School of Visual Arts and taught there for 48 years, and on the faculty of the Aesthetic Realism Foundation in NYC.
Exhibition review in Corriere della Sera
For more information about Chaim Koppelman, see the 2010 Memorial Exhibition announcement, and visit
- GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL: A STUDY OF BEAUTY & MEANING by John Stern, Senior planner (retired) with the Tri-State Regional Planning Commission & Aesthetic Realism consultant, reprinted from The Municipal Engineers Journal.
- PHOTOGRAPHY, LIFE, and the OPPOSITES by Len Bernstein – A Book Review by Harvey Spears, reprinted from Journal of the Print World, April 2013
- FREEDOM AND ORDER: THE QUILT MASTERPIECES OF GEE’S BEND by Alice Bernstein. Reprinted from The Harlem Times, February 2013
- THINKING ABOUT THE 1940s, HILLA REBAY, & THE GUGGENHEIM by Dorothy Koppelman, ASCA Newsletter, Fall 2012
- “THE SURPRISING & ABIDING OPPOSITES” AT THE TERRAIN GALLERY by Carrie Wilson. Reprinted from Journal of the Print World, Winter 2002
- “THE OPPOSITES—2001: THE PRINT – Review & Some History” by Alma Vincent. Reprinted from Journal of the Print World, Spring 2001
- THREE PHOTOGRAPHERS AT THE TERRAIN GALLERY by Alma Vincent. Reprinted from Journal of the Print World, Winter 2000.
- “THE TERRAIN GALLERY CELEBRATES ITS 45TH ANNIVERSARY! – An Exhibition of Prints, Photographs & Paintings” by Alma Vincent. Reprinted from Journal of the Print World, Spring 2000.